

How to Fix or Disable Magic Mouse Zooming By Itself Randomly — 1月 19, 2019

How to Fix or Disable Magic Mouse Zooming By Itself Randomly

This article comes from the source: How to Fix or Disable Magic Mouse Zooming By Itself Randomly Please read more solutions from the source article if the below solution doesn’t work on your iMac.

Here is the quick fix/solution that works OK on my iMac:

Disable the Smart Zoom feature

  1. Go to System Preferences Mouse.
  2. Locate and uncheck the Smart Zoom option under the Point & Click section to disable 
  3. Save the changes.


基于CC0的免费视频音频图片资源 — 12月 26, 2018







Life of Vids




























ISO Republic


  1. [少数派](https://sspai.com/post/42431)
  2. [少数派](https://sspai.com/post/42505)
  3. [阮一峰](https://www.yuque.com/ruanyf/share/free-photos)


Best way to get NSIndexPath by subview of UITableViewCell — 11月 22, 2015

Best way to get NSIndexPath by subview of UITableViewCell


CGPoint hitPoint = [sender convertPoint:CGPointZero toView:self.tableView]; NSIndexPath *hitIndex = [self.tableView indexPathForRowAtPoint:hitPoint];



extension UITableView {
func indexPathForView (view : UIView) -> NSIndexPath? {
let location = view.convertPoint(CGPointZero, toView:self)
return indexPathForRowAtPoint(location)

A few notes on my coding style of javascript — 5月 13, 2015

A few notes on my coding style of javascript

I like braces and use them always, even for single-line if statements and the like. I like variable names that mean something, rather than trying to be short. I favor single quotes above double quotes. I prefer comments above lines, as opposed to on the right-hand side. I use a LOT of comments, because JS can always be minified so there’s really no reason to worry about comments contributing to filesize. I use a decent amount of whitespace for the same reason. Oh, and I like my opening braces on the same line, not a new line.

How to import and use Swift Pod Framework in Objective-C Project — 5月 7, 2015

How to import and use Swift Pod Framework in Objective-C Project

After read several articles, I find this solution to import and use Swift Pod Framework in Objective-C project. Hope it could save someone a few minutes to enjoy coffee.

1. Choose the our own project
2. Choose the project name in the TARGETS list
3. Click the Build Settings tab
4. In the Build Options section, make sure the option Embedded Content Contains Swift Code is Yes
5. Choose the Pods project
6. Choose the pod framework in the TARGETS list
7. Click the Build Settings tab
8. In the Packaging section, find and note the Product Module Name, for example “Pods-XYZ”
9. Add the import code into our Objectiive-C code files

#import “XYZ-Swift.h”

10. Build the project done:-)

Note: There is another important point is that we need declare all swift classes as public. Otherwise these Swift classes will be treated as internal classes and cannot be seen in our project. Please read the answer from @Carlos Compean in the site StackOverflow.com.

Check if Active Internet Connection Exists on iOS Device — 9月 12, 2014

Check if Active Internet Connection Exists on iOS Device

“The URL points to an extremely small website that can be loaded fast in a cellular network. You are welcome to use my website, but you can also put a small file on your own website.

If checking whether the device is somehow connected to the internet is everything you want to do, I’d definitely recommend using this simple solution.” @Erik

NSURL *scriptUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://apps.wegenerlabs.com/hi.html"];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:scriptUrl];
if (data)
NSLog(@"Device is connected to the internet");
NSLog(@"Device is not connected to the internet");

More information please read this article.

Stsadm -o activatefeature gives Access to the Path Denied Error — 9月 10, 2014
How to avoid “Could not launch… Failed to get the task for process” from Xcode — 3月 14, 2014

How to avoid “Could not launch… Failed to get the task for process” from Xcode

If you cannot hook you iOS app when you want to debug it with Xcode, read the below article please. Also you can just skip the content and focus on the marked word directly. Good luck:-)

I used to get this message when building for my device.

Could not launch xyz failed to get the task for process xyz

The message seems to be harmless, as I can dismiss the warning dialog. The app on my device launches for a second and then exits.
The app can be launched normally afterwards.

I finally realised that what I did wrong was that I used a distribution provision for signing the app.
Once I made the switch to a development provisioning profile, the app can be installed and can even be hooked to the XCode debugger.


How to create an UICollectionView programmatically? — 3月 13, 2014

How to create an UICollectionView programmatically?


@interface ViewController : UIViewController
UICollectionView *_collectionView;


- (void)viewDidLoad
UICollectionViewFlowLayout *layout=[[UICollectionViewFlowLayout alloc] init];
_collectionView=[[UICollectionView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame collectionViewLayout:layout];
[_collectionView setDataSource:self];
[_collectionView setDelegate:self];

[_collectionView registerClass:[UICollectionViewCell class] forCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"cellIdentifier"];
[_collectionView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];

[self.view addSubview:_collectionView];

[super viewDidLoad];

- (NSInteger)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:(NSInteger)section
return 9;

// The cell that is returned must be retrieved from a call to -dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:forIndexPath:
- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
UICollectionViewCell *cell=[collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"cellIdentifier" forIndexPath:indexPath];

cell.backgroundColor=[UIColor greenColor];
return cell;

- (CGSize)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(UICollectionViewLayout*)collectionViewLayout sizeForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
return CGSizeMake(80, 80);

Link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17856055/creating-a-uicollectionview-programmatically

The Art of Writing Functional Specs — 2月 8, 2014

The Art of Writing Functional Specs

  • SPEC就是项目干系人之间的项目契约
  • 写SPEC之前需要先了解读者的能力,读者如何使用这份SPEC,以及他们希望从SPEC中获取什么信息
  • 注意SPEC的使用场景

The Art of Writing Functional Specs
by Saveen Reddy (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/saveenr/)

Part 0:

In 16 years I’ve written an a lot of functional specs.

· I’ve written them in small teams and in big teams and every size in between.

· These specs covered many areas: email protocols, server components, user experiences, networking, graphics, telephony, image processing, printing, scanning, real-time communication, security, formats and encodings, APIs, object models, and many more,

· They range from specs with low-level code details (sometimes actual code) to high-level architecture, vision, and strategy.

· My specs have been featured as part of Microsoft’s training on how to write good specs.

And I always get the same feedback from those who read my spec:

“It was easy to understand your spec.”

They also usually ask me why I don’t follow the team’s spec template. 🙂 But we’ll cover that topic eventually.

These days I don’t write specs often – though I do still do a lot of writing – but wanted to share what I learned over those 16 years. I think it applies to anyone who needs to communicate with a technical audience.

So, today I’m starting a series of small blog posts called “The Art of Writing Functional Specs”. I’m not sure how many posts it will take. Let’s say 10 for now. I plan on writing a small post every day for the next 10 days. I hope you’ll enjoy this journey.

We’ll start in earnest tomorrow with Step 1: “What is a Functional Specification?”

FYI: I’ll just be calling them “specs” for most of this series instead of “Functional Specifications”

Part1: What is a Functional Specification?

It’s tempting to say a functional specification is a document that … blah blah blah requirements, scenarios, glossary. design details, etc. It’s tempting to say that because it is true – true but it misses the bigger picture.

A spec, yes, physically is an artifact – a document. You’ve seen quite a few of them, perhaps. But, what a spec really is something different. It is a representation of the binding agreement between program management, developers, testers, designers, product management, etc. It is the statement made by the team as a whole: “This is what we agree on; what we believe the feature is.” The spec is an outcome of a long series of collaborative events between many parties. It represents a deliberate, intentional decision by the participants that clearly defines what they are building and why.


Do you need to write a spec? Here’s a great way to fail at it. Go lock yourself in room. Come up with a great idea and write it down to whatever level of detail you want. Then tell your team: “this is what we are building.” That will go over really well.

Part2: The Most Important Thing About A Spec

I tried thinking of all techniques I have seen or have used in making great specs. I put all those techniques in a crucible and boiled away everything until only one principle remained. Here it is:

“Specs must be readable”

That’s it.

And as obvious and trivial as it seems, that central message gets lost.

Why is it critical? Because if your audience can’t successfully go through the document and understand what is written, any design or discussion that stem from that spec is nonsense – the participants aren’t even on the same page to have a meaningful discourse.

So how do otherwise well-meaning and intelligent people sabotage their specs. Here’s a list:

· Too many words

· Underestimating the audiences ability to misunderstand

· Confusing spec writing with the writing of fine literature or a research papers

· Not understanding how their audience uses a spec or what they need from a spec.

· Using text when a table or list or a diagram would be much better choices

· Poor ability to structure ideas on the page or in their own mind. If the author is confused, what hope do the readers have?

Part3: Spec Shapes

In Part 2 I mentioned that one way to harm to readability of a spec was to not understand the audience or what they need from the spec. Let’s expand on that.

Not all specs are the same, and different situations call for different approaches. I can categorize these situations into some major buckets. A spec will have a particular “shape” for each situation that I will describe briefly.


These are specs that describe Schemas, Languages, Formats, etc. The reason I use the word “Interoperability” is that the most important thing with these documents is that they are clear about what they define because these are used as reference material.

Even if you never write an interoperability spec, you will be a better spec writer by learning from them. Look at well known IETF RFCs (WebDAV for example: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html) and also read through this guidance.

Length. Generally reference specs are LONG. And because of that you can’t expect your audience to be capable of reading it in its entirety. It is for this reason, I recommend writing an a separate document to introduce the basics of the topic and like to your larger spec. It would not be surprising if these specs reach 100 pages. I written quite a few of that size.

The fundamental quality metric of an Interoperability Spec: Two people *NOT* on your team and using the document alone must be able to independently build components that work together.


These are specs that document things like the Windows CreatFile API (read the MSDN link there, it is a good example). Like interoperability specs, API specs will tend to be long and nobody reads them end-to-end, they just look up the section they need when the occasion calls for it. Follow the same guidance for Interoperability Specs, and you’ll be fine here.


These include: Applications, Wizards, Forms, Views, Controls, etc. These are going to be heavy on mock-ups screenshots, of course.

Key points for these specs:

Agree with your team on the scenarios first. If possible mock it up on a whiteboard first, before you write a single line in the spec.
Keep the initial mock-ups very rough. You want feedback on workflow, not nitpicking the layout.
As the UI gets built I usually update the spec with screenshots of the latest build – annotating them as necessary. When the code is about to “ship” I’ll update with the final screenshots.

Length: These tend to be heavy with screenshots and workflows so they tend to be long – but not as dense as the other specs.

Later in this series of blog posts I’ll try to show an example of a good UI spec.

Common things these specs should cover:

Entry Points
How users experience errors
Navigation model


These are specs that deal with components that run on a server. These are the most difficult to write well. To do a good job on these you have a developer’s technical background and mentality. In my career at Microsoft I only met one person who despite never having written a line of code, did an amazing job of writing these specs.

The particular challenge of these specs you must thoroughly describe how components interact as a system and this requires knowing the deep technical details, and an incredibly solid grasp of distributed systems, operating systems, networking, memory management, security, paranoia, etc.

Let me give you a quick example of “server thinking” in a spec. Back in Dynamics AX, I designed a scheme to automatically size the columns in our SSRS reports – a feature SSRS does not have. I wrote part of the code which involved calling a GDI function called MeasureString (there are better alternatives available now, FYI) and gave it to the developer to integrate with his code. I also told him and added a line in the spec requiring that we called Dispose() as needed (being paranoid double-checked his code to verify this). In the spec I specifically required to test team to verify that we weren’t leaking GDI objects over long periods of time (weeks).

Length: Paradoxically perhaps, when done well, these spec don’t have to be very long at all – anywhere from 5- 15 pages .If they do get long, rethink how you are writing it.


There are other “shapes” as well. For example, we have “Service Specs” that deal with things that are online: a search engine for example.
Am interested in your feedback: What are signs of good specs in the categories above? Let me know.